The American Institute for Cancer
Research and the World Cancer Research Fund (AICR/WCRF)
have concluded that cancer is preventable. In
their 1997 report, Food, Nutrition
and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective,
they state that cancer is caused mainly by
environmental factors. Among these factors are (1)
tobacco, (2) diet and factors related to diet (such as
weight and physical activity), and (3) exposures in the
workplace and elsewhere. Much of the worlds cancer could be prevented by not using tobacco, by appropriate dietary and physical activity practices, and by reducing environmental exposures. The strongest and most consistent evidence of dietary protection against cancer is for diets high in vegetables and fruits. For the most part, the recommendations emphasize whole foods rather than individual nutrients. The AICR/WCRF recommendations are consistent with other dietary recommendations designed to prevent other chronic and infectious diseases. And they apply world wide to all adults and children two years of age and over, unless specified. The recommendations are aimed both as advice to the general public and as goals for policy makers. The foods are specified by quantities whenever possible. They cover food, such as vegetables and fruits, other plant foods, meat, fats and oils, and alcoholic drinks; food processing, such as salt and salting, food storage and preservation, additives and residues, and food preparation, and dietary supplements. |
Fourteen Recommendations to Prevent Cancer
Prepared 1998 by Bernadene Magnuson, Ph.D.
University of Idaho, Dept. of Food Science and Toxicology - EXTOXNET FAQ Team.