The information in this profile may be out-of-date. It was last revised in 1996. EXTOXNET no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

Please visit the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) to find updated pesticide fact sheets. If you don't find a fact sheet related to your question, feel free to call 1-800-858-7378. NPIC is open five days a week from 8:00am to 12:00pm Pacific Time.


Extension Toxicology Network

Pesticide Information Profiles

A Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University. Major support and funding was provided by the USDA/Extension Service/National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program.

EXTOXNET primary files maintained and archived at Oregon State University

Revised 9/95.


TRADE OR OTHER NAMES: The active ingredient dicrotophos is found in a variety of commercial insecticides. Trade names for products containing dicrotophos include Bidrin, Carbicron, Diapadrin, Dicron and Ektafos (4, 8,19).

REGULATORY STATUS: Dicrotophos is a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP). Restricted use pesticides may be purchased and used only by certified applicators. Check with specific state regulations for local restrictions which may apply. Products containing dicrotophos must bear the Signal Word "Warning" on their label (4).

CHEMICAL CLASS: organophosphate

INTRODUCTION: Dicrotophos was introduced in 1956 as a contact systemic pesticide with a wide range of applications. The E-isomer is more insecticidally active than the Z-isomer. Dicrotophos is available as 24% and 85% concentrates, as 40% and 50% emulsifiable concentrates, water-soluble concentrates and ULV formulations (1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 16). Dicrotophos is classified as a systemic insecticide and acaricide of moderate persistence. It is effective against sucking, boring and chewing pests, and is recommended for use on coffee, cotton, rice, pecans and other crops. In animal health, it is used for control of ticks and lice on cattle at a concentration of 50 grams ai/100 liters (12). Dicrotophos is non-phytotoxic except to certain varieties of fruit under some conditions (2, 5). The material enters plant tissue rapidly, which enables many beneficial insects to survive (4).

Dicrotophos has been used on elm trees in an attempt to control Dutch elm disease (which is spread by a beetle), as well as to control pests on cotton and soybeans (18).




PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND GUIDELINES: The technical material consists of 85% E-isomer (16). Dicrotophos is stable when stored in glass or polythene containers up to 40 degrees C, but is decomposed after 31 days at 75 degrees C or 7 days at 90 degrees C. The half-life of an aqueous solution at 38 degrees C and a pH of 9.1 is 50 days, and at a pH of 1.1 the half-life is 100 days. It is corrosive to cast iron, mild steel, brass and some grades of stainless steel (9, 19).

Physical Properties:

Exposure Guidelines:


AMVAC Chemical Corporation
4100 E. Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90023

P.O. Box 18300
Greensboro, NC 27419-8300


References for the information in this PIP can be found in Reference List Number 5

DISCLAIMER: The information in this profile does not in any way replace or supersede the information on the pesticide product label/ing or other regulatory requirements. Please refer to the pesticide product labeling.