The information in this profile may be out-of-date. It was last revised in 1996. EXTOXNET no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

Please visit the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) to find updated pesticide fact sheets. If you don't find a fact sheet related to your question, feel free to call 1-800-858-7378. NPIC is open five days a week from 8:00am to 12:00pm Pacific Time.


Extension Toxicology Network

Pesticide Information Profiles

A Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University. Major support and funding was provided by the USDA/Extension Service/National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program.

EXTOXNET primary files maintained and archived at Oregon State University

Revised 9/95.


 TRADE OR OTHER NAMES: Product names include Aazdieno, Acarac, Amitraze, Baam, Edrizan, Mitac, Maitac, Triatox, Triatix, Vapcozin Taktic, Triazid, Topline, Tudy, Ectodex, Garial, Danicut, Ovidrex, Acadrex, Bumetran, and Ovasyn (223,1).

REGULATORY STATUS: Amitraz is registered for use on pears, cattle, hogs, and cotton (224). It is not permitted on apples to prevent its residues in processed apples or meat producing animals which consume apple processing waste (211). Amitraz was a restricted use pesticide in 1985 because some studies showed it causes cancer in mice. But re-evaluation of the evidence has led to the current classification of Amitraz as an unrestricted or General Use Pesticide (GUP) (230). Amitraz is available in an emulsifiable concentrate, wettable powder, or a pour-on powder.

INTRODUCTION: Amitraz is a triazapentadiene compound, a member of the amidine chemical family (1). It is an insecticide and acaricide used to control red spider mites, leaf miners, scale insects, and aphids. On cotton it is used to control bollworms, white fly, and leaf worms. On animals it is used to control ticks, mites, lice and other animal pests (207,225).The EPA classifies Amitraz as Class III - slightly toxic. However, products containing it bear the SIGNAL WORD: CAUTION (224, 230).




PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND GUIDELINES: . It is non-corrosive and stable to heat. UV light seems to have little effect on its stability. Slow decomposition occurs when amitraz is stored for prolonged periods under moist conditions (1).

Physical Properties:

Exposure Guidelines:


NOR-AM Chemical Company
3509 Silverside Rd.
P.O. Box 7495
Wilmington, DE 19803


References for the information in this PIP can be found in Reference List Number 10

DISCLAIMER: The information in this profile does not in any way replace or supersede the information on the pesticide product label/ing or other regulatory requirements. Please refer to the pesticide product label/ing.